Diamond is forever, don't settle for less than your Diamond!

We are committed to getting 1 million people out of the Rat-Race by 2030

Join the revolution to get out of the Rat-Race!

"Discover Your Diamond" book may be the missing link in your journey!

To check if you are caught up in the rat race, I have the following questions for you:

–  Are you chasing random goals? or do you have hand-written SMART goals?

–  Are you randomly stumbling through life?

–  Are you living your dream or are you living your fears?

    Are you busy making a living or making a life?

–  Are you in the driving seat of your life, consciously driving it? Or are you being randomly driven by your circumstances?

–  Is your life moving effortlessly on cruise control, or are you busy changing gears constantly?

    Are you living your full potential?


Well, if answering any of the above stirred something within you, then you are at the right place. We will help you in getting out of the rat-race to discover your diamond! click here to book your exploratory session!

If your answer is “Yes” to any of the following questions, and you want to get over these problems, then click here to explore how we can help you!


Do you have trouble sleeping at night?

Learn how to earn a good night’s sleep, and develop a sleep ritual.

Is your body out of shape?

Mind governs the body. Learn to shape your thoughts and beliefs to bring the body in shape.

Do you feel angry and frustrated all the time?

Learn the techniques of letting go and acceptance to bring peace and happiness in your life.

Is your life out of control?

Learn to be in the driving seat of your life and live your life effortlessly on cruise control.

Are you facing money problems?

Money is a reflection of how much value you are providing. Learn to align your passion with what you do to earn an unlimited amount of money.

Are you struggling with career choices?

It’s easy to just do what everyone else is doing. But that will keep you struggling all your life. Learn to align your passion with your career for deep satisfaction and exponential growth.

It is usually quite straightforward to fix these. I have a number of tools and techniques to make these easier for you.


Are you busy climbing the corporate ladder?

That’s good. However, please make sure you know where you are going in other areas of your life. Most people who are busy climbing the corporate ladder and have no idea where they are going with their life in all other areas. You get one life, make it worth living!

Explore coaching options with us!

Coaching with Top-Life-Coach has just become more affordable. You will have the option to choose from 3 months – 6 months – 12 months packages. There is no lock-in contract so you can change or cancel anytime. Fast-track your journey, and learn to drive your life on cruise control!

My Coaching Style is not Hype & Dance!

My coaching is to help you relax, to centre yourself, to help you go within and connect with your source, the source of all creations. Share the magic of creation! Creating with what you have deep within you, uncovering your gift, and discovering your diamond!

Vinay Singh

Vinay Singh is the Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) at Top-Life-Coach.Com and is a certified Master Life-coach. He spent his early years in the same place where Lord Buddha achieved enlightenment, and his formative years at IIT, which has shaped some great minds, such as Sundar Pichai of Google fame. A former Fortune-500 executive with an MBA from UTS, and a degree from the IIT, Vinay is following his passion to touch, move & inspire numerous lives; and to provide hand-holding & support to get people out of the rat-race to live the magnificent life they so truly deserve!

There Is No Better Time

No matter what your goal is, you can use our time-tested tools & techniques to achieve them. Just one conversation can potentially set you on a journey to your dream life. If you look around, you will notice that most people are living a pretty disconnected & stressed life. Even if they have achieved what they had wanted, they are still not happy within. This is because they are not able to tap into the amazing power they have access to within themselves. The social conditioning keeps them away from tapping into this power, resulting in limiting beliefs that forces them to live a very timid life, and become a rat.

Discover Your Diamond

If you connect with what I shared on my website, it may be a “signal” to explore further. Invest in yourself, you will reap the rewards for a long time. Get a life-coach to fast-track your success journey!

Everyone has a sacred lamp within that needs just a spark to light up to “illuminate” the within. We specialize in creating that spark!

I can take you where I have been, the turnarounds that I have made possible and the unconventional routes that I have taken. I can help add “that extra” to make your journey from ordinary to “extraordinary”

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If you would like to experience a powerful coaching session that can potentially change your life to happiness & prosperity on all fronts, then fill in your details at the above link, so I can customise the session to meet your particular coaching needs.
It’s a free session, but it could be worth a fortune to you if you can get the “Aha” moment during this session. You may set yourself on a journey of total transformation of your life. Once I have your details, I will schedule your session. You will be amazed at your own possibilities and what you create as a result of this conversation.
I invite you to be bold enough to take charge of your life!

Explore what's possible for you!

Let's have a chat to create a possibility of living the dream!